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creating more with less

Making a box is expensive. A package design project can take anywhere from months to even years worth of research, design and execution to accomplish. We know that the design of the product is important to draw the consumer in to purchase. But, what about manufacturing the product? How does the total cost of a package impact the design? Sometimes we wish it didn’t, but of course budget plays a role in what we can ultimately produce. What’s great as a creative is that gives us the opportunity to explore alternative methods and materials to produce a box.

As an example, lets look into the cost of building an MDF (Multi-Density Fiberboard), hinge top style box (I know, but stick with me). Say our creative team has designed a genuine leather-wrapped, metal-hinged box with a foil paper interior. The client loves the design and wants to produce 25,000. It turns out, that’s about $20/box, leaving the client to invest $500,000 to produce and ship. Knowing this client doesn’t want to spend no more than $250k of their investment, but also doesn’t want to sacrifice design to the packaging, this raises several problems with the original design materials. Now we get thinking. Instead of using MDF, use cardboard as your base. Genuine leather is expensive! Try heavy paper with a leather pattern press. Exploring alternative ideas has the potential to dramatically drop the cost per box, while maintaining a luxury aesthetic. With these switches in materials and production methods the cost of the box was dropped from $20 to $10/box – cutting the investment in half!

This is pretty much how we work over in the creative department. And as a designer this process teaches you how to effectively collaborate with the client, sales teams and manufacturers to produce a profit-making product ready for distribution. What it comes down to for me is that budget is an important factor in how we creatively concept and execute any project.

-Kreyton Polka, Senior Designer


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how design live

Last week I got to go to Chicago for HOW Design Live for my “Employee Enrichment Program.” What is that you ask? Well, every two years that you work for greatest agency, greenlight, you get to pick a conference you would like to attend and they send you! This conference not only brought in people from everywhere around the world but also from all different positions in the creative world. I learned so much from all the speakers, so I couldn’t wait to get back and share with the team! Today, I thought I would share some of my favorite pieces of advice I gathered:

  1. Don’t be afraid to be weird
  2. Don’t confuse fear with discomfort
  3. Be the expert in the room
  4. Fall in love with the process
  5. Believe in your flyness, conquer your shyness
  6. Make Things, Inspire People and Create Change
  7. Live Purposely (not purposefully), Live Generously and Live Intentionally
  8. If you’re playing it safe, you’re not playing at all
  9. Keep bringing your ideas to the table even when the “big guys” aren’t asking for them
  10. Critique is at the core of collaboration

What am I going to start applying to myself today? Definitely believing in my flyness, conquering my shyness and falling in love with the process. I hope at least one of these pieces of advice inspires you and that you will share with your own team!

-Celeste Randall, designer

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As creatives we are often left staring at a blank page or screen waiting for inspiration to strike, and we know all too well that that is simply not how it works.

So how does inspiration work?

Inspiration is defined as “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.” It is a process that I believe is constantly happening in the back of our minds and in order to tap into it we must occupy our brain with something other than the task at hand. Listening to music, walking in nature, looking at a painting, cooking a meal, conversing with someone who has a completely different outlook on life than you, these are all ways that can spark inspiration.

I truly value stepping away from a creative problem and looking at beautiful and inspiring images for even a few minutes each day (ahem, I have over 11 thousand pins on Pinterest). When thinking of inspiration this phrase comes to mind “A watched pot never boils.” Yes I know this is a cooking term, but it applies to design as well. When we sit looking at a creative problem for too long it seems like we may never find the solution. But if you step away and occupy your mind with something else…That’s when the ideas start boiling over.

-Kaitlyn Coffee, Art Director
