There’s no question that web design really allows for endless creativity. And I think we all know by now that the internet has made news more than accessible and abundant. So I’m here to say: Designers and journalists rejoice! We can work together! More freedom in design means more ways to tell news stories. Design should make news look as important as it is. We shouldn’t slack on staying informed just because it’s not in the morning paper. And we shouldn’t slack on design just because it’s “bad” news. Instead, use design to better inform. Get creative with graphics and video, experiment with telling stories in ways that make people want to read the news. Now, I leave you with the media sites doing just that. Some are simple, some more complex, but each one presents all kinds of news in a compelling, smart way and that, to me, is the beauty of creative storytelling and what can make news exciting. I encourage you to check these out and actually take some time to read. Really, it’s good for your brain!
-Claire Higgins, Brand Strategist